As a church, we are working in varying ways to help our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and those who have fled the violence.
Currently, our local pastors remain in Ukraine. One of our pastors is also working in the border regions of Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary coordinating our help efforts and working directly with refugees.
Stay up-to-date by also following updates on our social media (Facebook, Instagram).
Contact us regarding Ukraine Relief at ukraine(at)
All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and and possesions to give to anyone who had need.
Acts 2:44-45
1. Pray
We believe in the power of prayer!
Let us pray for those in Ukraine, for a solution for peace, for the safety of those in conflict areas.
2. Give
You can make a donation through the IJG Erlangen Account. Please be sure to add a note/purpose “Ukraine Relief” so that we know how to divert the funds.
The funds collected will be sent to our local pastors in Ukriane as well as our pastor-cooridnator working along the borders in Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary.

3. Host and Help
If you are able to provide help by hosting refugees, helping with transport or donating your time, please contact us at ukraine(at) When offering to host refugees, please consider how long you are able to host.
Currently we are not collecting used clothes and other items. We will provide updates in the event that a specific item or other help is needed.