Our church relies exclusively on donations to carry out its work. We neither receive state funds, nor do we levy church taxes. If the Lord has put it on your heart to give, you can donate using one of the following methods.
Whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
2 Corinthians 9:6
Give by Bank Transfer
Please Note: Our bank account number has changed! Existing recurring transfers should transition automatically.

Purpose: “Donation for IJG” + First & Last Name + Address
Give Online
Give in Person
It is always possible to give in person during our Sunday Worship Service. Envelopes are available and can either be put in the offering or deposited in the mailbox at the entrance.
All donations made by bank transfer, online or by envelope are tax deductible. You will automatically receive a donation receipt at the beginning of the next year. Please remember to provide us with your address.
Thank you for your support!